Techniques to engage effectively with vulnerable children and young people.
Techniques to engage effectively with vulnerable children and young people.
Built with Shree Engineering Classes
1.Internet World (HTTP,TCP/IP)
2.Introduction to HTML Tags
3.Text Formatting Structures
1.Introduction to Scripting
2.Introduction to JAVAScript Variables
2.E-Commerce & MS Tools
3.Introduction to VBscript
1.Basic HTML,Essentials of PHP
2.Operators and Flow Controls
3.String and Array,Creating Functions
1.Introduction to RDBMS
2.Introduction to PostgreSQL
3.Understanding SQL with PostgreSQL
1.Microsoft.NET Framework Architecture
2.Language Basics
3.Programming Fundamental
1.Net Framwork Fundamentals
2.Language Basics Or C#
3.Programming Fundamentals
1.Microsoft,NET Framework Architecture
2.Language Basics
3.Programming Fundamental
1.History Of C Language
2.Algorithm and Flowcharts
1.Algorithms,What is Data Structures?
3.Trees,Graphs,Sorting Methods
1.Procedure v/s Object Oriented Programming
2.Benefits of OOP's
1.Java Dataase Connectivity
2.Remote Method Invocation
3.Java Servlets
1.Introduxrtion to DBMS,RDBMS
2.Normalization,Codd's Rules,ER Diagrams
1.OOP Concept
2.writing Your Own Java Class
3.Java Interfaces
3.Setting a path
1.OOP's Concept Class and Object
3.Regular Expressions
1.Computer Basic
2.MS World
3.MS Excel
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Conveniently reinvent mission-critical opportunities after wireless e-tailers. just in time core competencies rather than client-centered have a Progressively communicate customized web.
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